ECOVISION, the second meeting for the European membership of the Surface Design Association, will be presented by Karina van Vught (SDA EU representative) at Studio Zijdelings and the AUDAX Textile Museum in Tilburg, Netherlands on the following dates.
Pre-Conference Workshops (2): Tuesday, Oct. 18 – Thursday, Oct. 20.
Fiber Study Tour: Thursday October 20.
Conference: Friday, Oct. 21 and Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011.
Design Academy Graduation Show
& Dutch Design Week: Sunday October 23.
Post-Conference Workshops (5): Monday Oct. 24 – Friday Oct. 28.
The conference and accompanying events will provide a setting for textile artists, teachers and practitioners to meet in an informal way, and to share information under the umbrella of the Surface Design Association*.
The theme is Ecovision, inspired by a similarly titled issue of the Surface Design Journal.
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