Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Design Shibori student exhibition

Forgive the lo-res scans but wanted to quickly post a few pics from the lovely catalogue created for the juried international student exhibition, "Design Shibori" - le premier councours international d'ecoles d'art (27 Oct-8 Nov 2008) hosted by ENSAD for the ISS. Congratulations to the wonderfully imaginative student artists and kudos to the photographer whose images are beautiful and visually provocative. ENSAD was not selling the catalogues so we were happy to have received a few copies. If you have pics of the installation, please share them. We'll see if we have time to scan better images and throw them on to flickr or something.

Acknowledgements noted in book:
: Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada, Nancy Salumbides, Marie-Hélène Guelton, Peter Carman, Jean-Michel Ageron-Blanc, Sharon Kilfoyle, Diane Sparks, Michelle Griffiths, Liz Williamson, Veronika Moos, Marine Biras, Shukuko Voss-Tabe, Hiroko Watanabe, Kinor Jiang.
CREDITS: Patrick Raynaud (directeur de la publication); Colette Martin (commissaire de l'exposition); Steen Halbro (scé
nographe); Shuntao Chen (création graphique et mise en page Photographie)

L-R: Top row: Saito Tomoko, untitled (tama art university, jpn); Roisin Cagney, "this is not just sushi" (national college of art & design, ireland); Bottom row: Andonimouttou Florie, "papier non tisse mobile" (ENSCI-ANAT, france); Sally Blake, "same, same but different" (univ new south wales, australia).

1 comment:

  1. 'This is not just sushi',is evoctive and stunningly beautiful; Well done Roisin. KH
