The Musuem of Craft & Folk Art, San Francisco (MOCFA)
presents a 1-day event
- Sustainable fashions and housewares -
Sunday, Sept 20
Fort Mason Center, San Francisco Fleet Room, Bldg D
presents a 1-day event
- Sustainable fashions and housewares -
Sunday, Sept 20
Fort Mason Center, San Francisco Fleet Room, Bldg D
Members only shop: 9a-10a
Public event: 10a-4p
*12-2p: demo-talk by author Katye Terry
$10 public, Free for MOCFA members
Public event: 10a-4p
*12-2p: demo-talk by author Katye Terry
$10 public, Free for MOCFA members
click image for a list of featured "style-setters"