Monday, February 2, 2009

Australia Naturally (6 Feb-8 Mar '09)

Lucky day for Australian textile enthusiasts. For those of you who didn't get a chance to see the lovely exhibition, "Australia Naturally," held at the Paris American Academy gallery this past November, drive on over to Strathnairn Homestead Gallery.

[6Feb - 8 Mar 09] "Australia Naturally"
at Strathnairn Homestead Gallery (Australia)

A glorious exhibition of small shibori works created exclusively by World Shibori Network Australia members as a showcasing of their use of natural and synthetic dyes. These works have recently been on exhibition in Paris as part of the 7th International Shibori Symposium at the Musee Quai Branly. 90 Stockdill Drive, Holt, ACT (20 min drive from Civic) || weekends 10.00 - 4.30

Thanks to Joan James, WSN-Australia rep, for forwarding this info.


  1. Winter greetings from Finland! Our nature is presenting it´s most beautiful face today. The trees have furry cover and the sky is blue. Inspirational!

    The Paris exhibition was great!

  2. krisva, thanks for the comment! You paint a stunning picture of a Finland winter. If you or anyone reading these comments has pictures from the exhibition of any other events in France, we'd love to share them online. Thanks for visiting our blog.
