Thursday, February 11, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Textile Conservation (Mar 19, San Francisco)

Ever wonder how the professionals do it? Textile Conservators Sarah Gates and Beth Szuhay are offering a specialized tour for Textile Arts Council members. This is a rare opportunity for the public to see how professional museum staff care for, store, and prepare the Museums’ textile collection for exhibit. The conservation laboratory consists of a “dry” space for examination and stitched treatments, a “wet” space for aqueous treatments, and a dye lab. Participants will get to see the state-of-the-art facilities and the specialized equipment, including the dye machine.

Friday, March 19, 1:30 PM
Behind the Scenes: The George & Marie Hecksher Textile Conservation Center
de Young Museum, San Francisco

$30 per person – space is strictly limited

To reserve: call TAC office 415 750-3627 or email at tac [at]


  1. I have been behind the scenes at the de Young (probably 10 years ago). What a fun and fascinating day it was. At the time, I was making hats, so opening some of the hat boxes was the highlight for me.

    If I were still living in the Bay Area, I'd be there in a heart beat.

  2. Agreed! The behind-the-scenes stuff is infinitely fascinating -- so much to learn (and sometimes moreso than the public visage, IMHO). I originally come from a dancer's background and the rehearsals preceding the show - now that was the real story.
